Commodity News
HeadLine : Continuous selling holds sugar steady
Date : Mar 27 2015

Sugar market ruled steady despite increase in local offtake on the back of rising mercury. Millers are continuously offloading the commodity in local markets in absence of upcountry/export demand which kept prices under check. On the Bombay Sugar Merchant Association, S-grade dropped by Rs.10-12 a quintal while M-grade weakened by Rs.4-5. Naka rates jumped by Rs.30-40 for S-grade and lost Rs.20 for M-grade. Mill tender prices were unchanged.

Arrivals were at 61-62 truck loads and local dispatches were about 59-60 loads. About 22-23 mills offered tenders and sold 54,000-55,000 bags at Rs.2,280-2,420 (2,280-2,420) for S-grade and Rs.2,420-2,570 (2,420-2,570) for M-grade.

The BSMA spot rates: S-grade Rs.2,450-2,595 (2,462-2,595) and M-grade Rs.2,532-2,742 (2,536-2,706). Naka delivery rates: S-grade Rs.2,400-80 (2,360-2,450) and M-grade Rs.2,430-2,600 (2,450-2,600).

Source :-Business Line

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